Interview with Cosmo


HOLLER!! Today is a new day and it’s hard to believe I was a depressed cave woman unable to pry my white-knuckled fists from the corners of my doona for the past 2 days because today I feel fantastic! I was up bright and early, back on track with Kayla Itsine’s workout plan, hit the gym, read over my Endo fact notes, dressed up like I was Hittin’ da cleerb and at my meeting with the gorgeous Lauren from Cosmo by 11am.

That initial phone call from Cosmo was so exciting – it felt great to be approached and to hear how important they felt this story is to publish and that it is a phenomenal one that needs to be told. I have to admit I felt very cool rocking up to Cosmo HQ and a little bit important, which is such a welcome, special feeling after feeling not at all important or useful all year.

I think the interview went great, although there is just so much to say! So much about Endo, about how it’s received and treated in Australia (or not) and by our healthcare system, about the personal stories of so many women, their families and how the men in their lives are also affected and of course about the petition mum started to Bayer and our subsequent decision to start up EndoActive – our lobby group for Awareness, Advocacy and Activism. A lot to try and fit in!

It’s been so unbelievable the traction Mum and I have been gaining since her petition to Bayer to release a drug called Visanne designed specifically for Endo on went viral a few weeks ago. (If you haven’t seen it already, check it out and sign the petition!)

Since then, life has been an absolute whirlwind and the amazing support and messages form total strangers – both uplifting, motivating and heartbreaking all in one has been overwhelming and phenomenal. This is just the beginning for us and I’m so glad this important issue which nobody seems to talk about is finally coming into the public eye and drawing the attention of so many!

Having an article on us and Endo in Cosmo – such a popular, well-respected magazine read by bajillions or women and girls will be fantastic. So excited to see it published so be sure to look out for it!