My Party Bag of Drugs
Thought I would take a photo of the party bag of drugs (good drugs) that I’m taking every day right now (at great expense) just to give a glimpse of what my daily routine has turned into…
Today I had my 3rd appointment with my lovely naturopath (although it was over the phone because I was so completely immersed in the overwhelming responses, messages and signatures flowing in every second since our petition on went live a few days ago that I completely forgot about it!). I began seeing my naturopath (first appointment July 14th) on the recommendation of my fertility doctor – Dr A. She has put me on a bunch of supplements and stuff to help prep my body for ovarian stimulation and egg freezing and just load me up with as much good, natural, healthy stuff as possible.
The fish oil shot every morning is the worst part. And no I don’t mean fish oil tablets. I mean straight up fishy, oily, cold fish oil. Mixed with a shot of juice. Then down the hatch. BLEGH!! *stifles vomit*