National Action Plan for Endometriosis Officially Launched!
I’m holding Australia’s (maybe the world’s?) first ever National Action Plan for Endometriosis 😆😆 just launched by Greg Hunt MP .
A few months ago I was sitting at the Roundtable Meeting in Melbourne with 40 other experts in the field of endo, sharing all your stories, your wants, your needs, what WOMEN AND GIRLS WITH ENDO want and need, and all my ideas for solutions to the enormous public health issue that is #endometriosis.
I can’t actually believe that so many of those ideas have made it to the final Plan, which I think we should ALL be proud of.
Without you all, without your support, your love, your ENDO ACTIVISM, without our PEOPLE POWER, we would not (all of us) be where we are today.
And where is that exactly? Well, today marks the end to the SILENCE of #endo. We’ve been talking publicly about it for 4 years. QENDO – Endometriosis Association (Qld) Inc has been talking about it publicly for 30 YEARS!!!
And now, FINALLY, the Australian Federal Government has listened to women with endo and given us a strong start to increasing awareness and education, improving clinical management and care, and funding more research.
Congratulations, everyone. LET’S CELEBRATE!!
PS prepare for your feeds to be bombarded with media posts. And watch the news tonight on every channel!!
Syl xxx
July 30, 2018 @ 8:58 pm
You are my Hero. Well done.
Im from the Netherlands. I have pain Evert Day For 25 years now. Im 40 years old.
Thank you For the Good work.
X Joy
July 30, 2018 @ 8:59 pm
Tis is my correct email adress