
EndoActive features in Latte magazine by Business Chicks, July 2015

Although this article in Latte was from July 2015 – it was a great awareness piece on endometriosis.  A huge thanks to Business Chicks for featuring EndoActive and providing important health information about endo.
Click through to read the full article.



Bayer collaborates with Evotec for new Endometriosis treatment



Yesterday I got notice of a collaboration between pharmaceutical company Bayer and Evotec regarding treatment of Endo.

With not much other information it’s easy to be cynical of this news. Of course this treatment won’t be a cure. Of course both parties will be interested in making a profit – such is the way of the world. And that’s ok.

I’m not sure whether this treatment option will be helpful or not. Let’s hope that it is.

BUT – I’m so so excited by this news because it is a sign that Endo is being recognised as a serious health issue costing billions of dollars in lost productivity a year. It shows that big pharma is willing to put money into Endo and without their financial support and investment, no progress will be made. As a close friend of our told me on the phone this morning – researchers and scientists can beaver away doing their wonderful work all their lives but without funding, that research and science will stay in the universities and the labs. That work will stay in silos.


My beliefs, my dreams & the story of EndoActive.

Les looking at Syl

Hey guys. Today I want to share with you my beliefs, my dreams for EndoActive and our story – why we’re here. It really is an incredible one and it involves all of you, so please, please read to the bottom. <3

My name is Syl Freedman, I’m 25 and I have Endometriosis. We call it Endo.

My Mum, Lesley, and I started EndoActive in August 2014 after campaigning to have a medication used to treat Endo available here in Australia. We got 75,000 signatures on our online petition (thanks to many of you for signing!!) and amazingly, we were successful. Visanne was released in Australia in March 2015.

It has helped many women, myself included, to finally live a life free of pain and most importantly, provided another treatment option for Endo.

After achieving the impossible, we had a fire in our bellies and felt determined to keep going.


3 uni assignments on Endometriosis in 4 days

In 2014 I was incredibly sick with Endo and had been for years. At that time I
✖️Couldn’t work due to pain
✖️Barely made it to uni
✖️2nd laparoscopy with shocking recovery
✖️Awful pain and fatigue all the time
✖️Miserable. Flat. Didn’t see a future.
✖️constantly medicated
✖️Cried A LOT

If you told me then that in 18 months
✅I’d be pain free, learned how to self-manage my Endo, healthy, full of energy
✅Legalised a drug in Australia to treat Endo (Visanne)
Started a change.org petition with 75,000 signatures
Built an online community of nearly 8000 incredible people raising awareness of Endo together
✅Froze my eggs
✅Held a conference on Endometriosis at University of Sydney
✅Started my Masters in Health Communication at Sydney University

I would never ever ever ever have believed you in a million years. Ever.

For those of you who are struggling to cope, living in pain, can’t see a way out – I have been there!!


Lack of awareness and information on Endometriosis #endoactiveawareness

Hey EndoActivists, here’s me talking a bit more about the lack of awareness and information on Endometriosis as part of our ‪#‎endoactiveawareness‬ campaign.

Over the last 3 weeks I’ve been making videos for a social media campaign which is part of my Masters in Health Communication degree at University of Sydney. I’m loving this degree so much! I never would have chosen it if it weren’t for my struggle with Endometriosis and starting EndoActive but our EndoActive community has taken me on a path into women’s health and has ignited a real passion I didn’t have before connecting with all of you!


Endometriosis Awareness Month #endoactiveawareness

Hey EndoActivists

I’m currently studying my Masters in Health Communication at University of Sydney.

For one of my subjects – Social Media Communication – (yes that’s right you can study social media and yes we do discuss the theory of ‘selfies’) we’ve been asked to run a real life social media campaign. OBVIOUSLY I chose to do an awareness campaign on Endometriosis.

The campaign is called ‪#‎endoactiveawareness‬.

If you’d like to get involved, start a conversation, share a photo, your story, advice, link to an article, blog or video… anything you want about Endo – on Instagram or Twitter – and use the hashtag #endoactiveawareness

Why not right here on our Facebook? My tutor thought it would be more of a challenge to use social media channels we don’t use as regularly hence why I’ve chosen Vimeo, Twitter and Instagram. But by all means, share whatever you like, wherever you like. Endo Awareness is SO IMPORTANT! So fire away.


Excuse the backwards text in the video – haven’t mastered the anti-mirror image thing yet 🙂

Syl x